Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Peach & White Fingerless Mitts Progress

Well I finished the first one of these last night and started on the second. I'd be a lot further on the second but made the mistake of drinking Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime tea and promptly nodded off on the couch.

I know this isn't about knitting but that stuff is like Ativan. My whole life I thought chamomile was just some stupid hippie herb that didn't do anything and boy, was I wrong. I used to drink chamomile tea when we'd run out of the flavors I liked at work and it wasn't until about the 30th time I nodded off at my desk that I saw a correlation. Apparently, in addition to being highly susceptible to hippie herbs, I am terrible at detecting patterns in things. Unless it's numbers and then I turn into Dustin Hoffman as Kim Peek.


Here's where they're at so far:
I really like how they came out. They fit just at the base of my fingers which is nice for when I'm working outside and could also be great if you have to work in a freezing cold office but still be able to type. I wish I'd finished the second one in time for work tonight, but it will definitely be done before my next shift, so that's good.

Scotty, aka Scoots, aka Sir Scootsalot, aka Pitbull, aka JerkPanda, aka "STOP THAT!", aka Naughty-Scotty, aka Crazy Boy, aka Baby Orca, aka Fuzzball, aka—you get the idea because you're better at distinguishing patterns than I am, right?—was rubbing his face on my hands and moved me slightly out of frame for this shot, but this shows how the right mitt looks when worn.
I usually make them go higher up on fingers and thumbs, but I think this will keep my hands and wrists warm enough to keep the fingers warm too. We'll see.

I think tonight I'll finish my trivet and post the photo for that tomorrow after it's blocked. If I don't do it, feel free to hold me accountable by any means necessary:
This is tempting me to make a sidebar where people can actually say awful 4chan-worthy mean things to prompt me to post more often. Would be good for a chuckle or two, methinks.

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